From Kiddo to Chiropractor
“The first time I got adjusted was when I was 8 years old. I did not have any significant health concerns, but my brother was struggling with wetting the bed at night.”
It’s not Luck, It’s Chiropractic
Good health doesn’t happen by chance. We don’t avoid health concerns because we are lucky. Health comes from small choices that add up overtime and benefit the function of our overall health.
The Best Investment for Your Overall Health
“As a child, I remember often going to the chiropractor with my mom – she would get adjusted for her neck and back pain almost every other week. At such a young age, I never thought chiropractic was something I needed or would even benefit from.”
The HEART of the Matter
It’s National Heart Month! What better time to talk about Heart Rate Variability (HRV) than now? Learn about how this increasingly popular way to assess health led to the development of multiple products that measure it.
Done with “Dealing With It”
“My journey with chiropractic care began six years ago after noticing severe back pain while working as a cake decorator. After seeing two different spine specialists, four different physical therapists, and two chiropractors, I was exhausted.”
New Year, New Experience:
New year, new you. We have all heard it and many of us feel the pressure to work on ourselves come January 1st.
What can you expect from your first visit to TOV?
TRT: A Technique for All
In our office, we utilize Torque Release Technique (TRT). This is a technique that is gentle, specific, and scientific. It is backed by research and a technique that allows us to see people of all ages and stages. What is it, where did it come from, and why do we use it?
Healthy Together
At TOV Chiropractic, we see people of all ages, from hours old to individuals well into their 80’s and 90’s. We value care for the whole family because high-quality healthcare is important for everyone.
“Sick Season” or a Weakened Immune System?
Is it really a “sick season” or are there things we may be overlooking that are contributing to an uptick in sickness over the fall/winter months? It is important that we take time to consider why we are more prone to falling ill from September to February.
Assessing Your Nervous System: sEMG
sEMG (or surface electromyography) is one of the three neurological assessments to assess function of the nervous system. Specifically, this one looks at the neuromuscular connection or how well the nervous system is communicating with the muscles supporting the spine.
Going “Back” In Time
In the United States, there are more than 70,000 licensed chiropractors and an estimated 35 million people visit them on a yearly basis. It has not always been this way, though.
Chiropractic Care + ADHD: Managing Symptoms
With the turning of seasons and gearing up for school this month, changes can be tough on our kids. Some kids have an extra difficult time with focus, controlling impulsive behaviors, and being overly active. Sometimes, it gets to the point where it happens so frequently that it interferes with school, work, and other daily activities.
Back to School – Backpack Safety
Did you know the average high school student’s backpack weighs around 20-30 pounds? For reference, this is the equivalent of 4 gallons of water, a desktop computer, a 50-inch television, or your average stroller.
Freedom from Subluxation
Freedom from Subluxation
Freedom from subluxation happens through time and repetition of consistent chiropractic adjustments. Although there are things that society has deemed as “normal”, headaches, back pain, and neck pain, these things don’t have to be the norm.
Freedom to Choose
Health care freedom is the ability to choose and have access to more non-traditional healthcare. It’s finding a provider that aligns with the decisions you desire to make for your health. So, ask yourself, what decision could you make today to help you move closer to the healthy life you desire to live? After all, your health depends on it.
What Thermal Scans Can Tell Us About Your Spine
One of the assessments we use to assess how the nervous system is functioning is the thermal scan. What we are looking for is differences or asymmetries of temperature along the spine. We are doing this because we are looking for inflammation along the spine and one of the cardinal signs of inflammation is heat.
Calling all Dads
Dad, I know you don’t think you need a chiropractor, and your health might not be a priority, so this one’s for you. You carry a heavy weight at times. You are the one we call on when things need fixing, when we need someone to play catch with, and you protect and provide for your family. With that being said, your health is important because you have people depending on you. In the craziness of life it can be hard to make time for your health. Our goal for you is to keep you at your best so you can be the best version of yourself for your family! From one dad to another, here is what our dads have to say about the chiropractic lifestyle.
Chiropractic and Pregnancy
Why choose chiropractic care during your pregnancy? Low back and hip pain as well as headaches are common reasons for seeking chiropractic care during your pregnancy. We can help with these things, but it is not our main goal. Our main goal is to influence your nervous system in a positive way by removing stress and subluxation that slows back and forth communication from the brain to the body.