What Thermal Scans Can Tell Us About Your Spine

One of the assessments we use to assess how the nervous system is functioning is the thermal scan. What we are looking for is differences or asymmetries of temperature along the spine. We are doing this because we are looking for inflammation along the spine and one of the cardinal signs of inflammation is heat. 

There are two views we are looking at. One compares the left side to the right side. This is the middle line running along the spine. Ideally, we want this line to be all white meaning temperature is balanced from side to side. Green, blue, and red is an indication of mild, moderate, and severe inflammation. 

The two red and blue lines on the outside are comparing the temperature from the sacrum at the base of the spine to each vertebra as we roll it up the spine. We want both lines to be all red. Seeing blue tells us about chronicity or how long the issue has been present. Red tells us things are functioning as it should. Blue tells us the issue has set in a little bit and is more of a chronic issue. 

The reason this is important is because it shows us where stress is building up along the spine on the spinal nerves. The spinal nerves play a big role in controlling the glands, vessels, and organs. These structures do not have direct pain receptors so when stress builds up and causes dysfunction we don’t feel it. This is why being proactive is important, chiropractic care helps us stay one step ahead with our health. 


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